ENGLISH SUMMARY In  the second year, DVD  will be made with the title AGRICULTURAL LIFE  with photos and information (life , customs and manners, music). This will also contain incidental music.

So,we want to indicate:

·         The preservation  of the agricultural technological heritage and tradition (life, customs and manners ,art ,music ,dances ) creating a DVD with a lot of photos and information.

·         to analyze the impact of the agricultural activity on the environment/ surroundings;

·         to study the relationships between countryside habits and the stages of the agricultural activity ( sowing, ploughing, harvesting etc.)

·         to familiarize the people with  part of the project , traditional music of that country and of the partner countries as well

The finding of the material (new and old photos,video )about  agricultural life , will be done by documentary-focused trips in the students’ native places (taking interviews, collecting photos etc.).

We also intend to participate to village feasts held in different locations (  tradition, as  religious holidays, harvest days etc.) .

 In this project we will  visit museums and exhibitions in our native countries as well as in the partnership countries.

With the collected materials we intend to organize a itinerant exhibition of farm household objects and agricultural art objects

Pupil teams will classify the above material and convert it in an electronic  form  ,a DVD.

The above activities will be common for the cooperating foundations .
DVD will have  units for each country (in the native language and cooperative participation to the English version as well).
A partners meeting is planned in Italy
-TERAMO in November 2004 and in Greece-DRAMA in Spring 2005 for the study of the project progress, organization of it and solve problems about the project.

The evaluation progress will be done by sending material (e-mail or other) to each other every week during the period of the project and the corresponding visits as well.

Also the evaluation will be made through initial and final questionnaires about agricultural life , customs and manners, music ,dances etc ,  presentation of the results to the public ,to school ,to media and finally to the project’s web site.
The D
VD will be copied and distributed to as many bearers as possible. Along  with the DVD presentation there will be exhibitions of photos and objects if possible to the corresponding towns where the cooperating schools are  . We intend to disseminate the results, experience and final products by creating a common site, and by establishing contacts with the local mass media.



Last update: 23/11/04.